Hey Pandas, What Is Something In Your House That Surprises Everyone Who Visits?

/*//adscode hamsi*/

not one woman, but a group, The Night Witches: An all female bomber squad from Russia during WWII. They flew at night, never used radios, and would shut off their engines during bombing runs and glide over targets, dropping bombs seemingly out of nowhere and the disappear silently into the night. The planes they got were old and left over from WWI. The women would frequently have to do repairs, climbing out of the cockpit to work on the engines mid flight.
My wife. Overcame a childhood of abuse and terror to become a teacher of children with special needs. She cares more about her students than she does herself. She does not subscribe to the notion that men should dominate any profession just because of their sex. She is inclusive of all genders, races, and backgrounds - and nurtures everyone equally. I am so proud of her!


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