Zara Shahjahan, a women and a fashion designer who had introduced the successful label of Kamal Lawn, has now presented her latest showcase of fashion collections at the venue of Karachi. She had blown up the minds of the audience and got a good attention from them. Her collection was attractive and contained some of the latest Kamal Lawn prints and designed which enlighted her collection and made them look complete. This showed that the fashion designer was completely talented and skillful in acquiring the dominiancy in the field. The label named as Kamal Lawn, introduced by Zara Shahjahan was also accompanied by the director of Kamal Limited in Karachi, means Kamal Erum Ahmed. The brand ambassador and actress named as Aamina Sheikh was also present. This was a good team overall if we look at the qualities. This wonderful collection contained about some of the 15 designs which were totally fresh, new and showed a wide variety of colors and designs. The time was perfect for the collection as now the Summer season is coming so all the young girls will be looking forward to buy this collection and to put it in their wardrobes. We, FashionWanderers, also suspected that the dresses were also trendy. The rest of the work did the Lawn fabric inside it. The collection also consisted of ingredients like floral patterns and designs which ladies usually like. The use of bright hues also added more interest to each outfit. This collection is a must to watch. Please scroll down below to see the rest of the collection and do not forget to subscribe.