SNL, which is a short form of the fashion brand named as Sofia Naveed Lari, has now released a new and stylish collection for the people of nowadays. The 21st century requires some of the trendy and flirty designs which SNL gives in this collection. This is the main reason of the fame of SNL. It is known for its alluring and stunning products. The collection shows a wide range of products. It is named as the Sofia Naveed Lari Lace And Luxe Collection 2013. This collection was presented in the photo shoot at Turkey when the fashion model named as Ayyan wore them. The shoot was done by Umair Bin Nisar. The collection consists of Shirts, Pleated Gowns, Maxi Dresses, Trousers and Shirts which are knee short. The colors used in this collection were bright and attracting which are White, Pink, Orange and Peach. The collection is given below and is a must to see as it has laces on its neck and borders. Stay updated with FashionWanderers.